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We do Remodels in Sandpoint, Idaho. Today we are looking at some ideas for some nice looking window wells.

If you are working on a house with a basement, windows wells are an important source of light and really make the basement space more liveable. If you don’t have windows or windows wells you can add some value to the home.  There are lots of ways to finish your window wells are as good looking as they are functional.

You want to have a plan and a good design before ever breaking ground on this type of  project. You want to get it all done and before any rain falls.   

First you need to clear out space in the ground. Then install a window in the basement. You’ll also need to support the ground around the well with the method of your choosing.  The challenge is to make it look like it was there the whole time. There are many creative ways to go about decorating when you’re done. 

Have a look, here a bunch of clever window well ideas:

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