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kitchen remodel sandpoint before after

Sandpoint, ID via Real Estate Rescue LLC  

Lots of folks overthink their kitchen remodel. They get stuck trying to figure out when the right time will be, like there is some perfect time. Not really. Maybe in Sandpoint, Idaho some would rather start up a kitchen remodel before winter rather than after winter. Honestly, it’s inconvenient anytime. Overplanning and over-preparing may not be the best way to determine when might actually be the best time. An honest inspection of your kitchen may be more useful. It will tell you if it’s time for an overhaul. What’s funny is the process by which you finally decide to pull the trigger. We’ve talked to lots of homeowners, these are 3 reasons we’ve heard more than once that are pretty honest.

1. You Start To Hate Being In Your Kitchen

Do you remember the days when you were genuinely excited to cook your meals in that kitchen of yours? What happened? Something changed. Nowadays, are you hesitant to spend time in your kitchen? No amount of cleaning seems to help. Maybe there’s just not enough light.  Hey, if your excited about your kitchen the way it is, then there is no need to change anything. But if you can’t find that old feeling you once had, and your kitchen starts looking like the oldest room in the house and you can’t shake it,  a remodel can put some wind in your sails. You could actually invite friends over for dinner again…  which brings us to the next topic…

2. A Bit Of Keeping Up With The Joneses

Perhaps your neighbors have recently remodeled. Even several neighbors and the pressure is on. You can’t help it, you get a case of ‘keeping up with the Joneses’. You even feel a bit of excitement in their new kitchen when they had you over to show it off. You have to agree, the kitchen looks lovely after the remodel. It sure is easy to read with all that light. This could get to you and really ramp up your desire to have your own kitchen remodeled.

The best part is, it’s not a frivolous waste of money to think seriously about building yourself a nice new kitchen just like your neighbors. There is a financial upside when the time comes to sell your home. Homebuyers will be looking at comparable homes in your neighborhood and will certainly notice if your kitchen is the only outdated one around.

3. All You Can See Is A Disorganized Mess

It’s finally time for a kitchen remodel when your significant other keeps talking about how the appliances are all out of date. Suddenly you see everything in a new light. You realize that you’ve stared at it long enough, and finally all you see is bad planning and all the reasons it’s disorganized.  You know… everything wrong with it. The layout just doesn’t make any sense to you anymore.

Look, we love and respect a well planned kitchen. On the other side of the coin, a poorly planned kitchen is just annoying after a while. More often than not, we don’t pay as much attention to rooms we aren’t excited about. You can’t have this kind of thing happening to ‘the most sociable room in the house’. A kitchen remodel will give you a fresh perspective on your whole house. It’s an upgrade the whole family can enjoy. We want to help you make it real. Call Real Estate Rescue in Sandpoint.  We’ll have you happy with your kitchen again in no time.

Get Your Remodel In Sandpoint Started with Real Estate Rescue

Whether you are looking for a remodel or a renovation, or an investor that needs a solid partner when you can’t be there, we have the skillset to handle all of your remodeling needs at a price that’s fair. Get in touch, let’s together and talk over your idea and get a plan going. You’ll be happy brought us on, and you’ll love the results.  A kitchen is the one thing that can make or break a real estate deal, and is certainly the best investment you can make in your home to improve the resale value. Call Brett Evans, 208-265-9051 or send an e-mail. We will arrange a time to take a look and get you a bid. We are Real Estate Rescue in Sandpoint. We look forward to meeting you.

Real Estate Rescue 208-946-1706 Brett Evans
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